Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Great Beach Day!

Today I had only one class and it was very hard to stay focused. Afterwards we headed to the beach. We decided to try out a new beach called Barcelonetta. It was a little further walk from the metro station then usual, but it was an awesome street to walk down! On one side of us was the marina and on the other was a ton of great little restaurants, most of them were seafood tapas places and some great gelato shops. The beach was a little crowded, but the water was great! I ended up getting REALLY sunburnt, which was weird because we were only outside for two hours and I have not been burnt like this in years! Afterwards, Hannah and I decided to do some shopping and actually buy something. We've been shopping almost every day, but surprisingly not one of us has been able to make a purchase. The stores Zara and H & M here are great! I ended up getting an awesome pair of knee high boots from Zara. I know I won't wear them here for a few more weeks, but the sizes were running out and it was an impulse buy. Then Hannah and I decided to go out for a good, old Spanish tapas style dinner. We decided to try a bunch of new things because the menu was all in Spanish. We got some mushrooms, calamari, and two other things that I'm not exactly sure what they were. All in all the food was okay, but it was a good experience. Hannah and I tried to have a long dinner, similar to the Spanish and their 2 hour meals, but it didn't last. We ended up lasting an hour or so and got antsy and went for a walk. The evenings are starting to cool off here so it is awesome to just roam the streets. We came home did some homework and now I'm off to bed for a long day of classes tomorrow!

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