Thursday, September 16, 2010

Family Style Dinner for Three

Yesterday, we finally were able to get up and work out! It took a lot of effort, but we were able to get out of bed at 10. How ridiculous are we? After we worked out, we came home, ate lunch, then headed to class. I had three classes today and my first communications class was actually interesting for once. It helped the time fly by, but the two others seemed to drag on. After that I came home and took a little nap. Each night we get facebook invites to all these clubs and programs made especially for kids studying abroad. We got one for this family style dinner that was 15 euros for great food and drinks. We decided to try it out to meet some new kids and have some good food. What ended up happening was our meeting spot turned out to be where a celebration for Mexican independence day was so there were hundreds upon hundreds of people there. It was pretty awesome and we hung out there for a little, but had difficulty meeting our group. Then just as we were about to leave we bumped into a guy who was running the dinner. The supposed group of 60 kids who were supposed to go to this dinner turned out to just be AK, Hannah, and I due to the crowded meeting spot. I'm not going to lie I felt a little awkward at first, but the dinner ended up being awesome. Chicken wings, caesar salad, croquettes, fajitas, and some sangria. After that it was already midnight. I planned on going out, but ended up just staying in and going to bed. Now it's Thursday and I just got back from my one class. Today I'm going to pack for my trip to the mountains and do some laundry and hopefully go to the gym. Apparently, the mountains are pretty cold so I may need to do a little shopping today!

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