Monday, September 13, 2010

A Busy Monday

Today turned out to be a very productive day. We woke up this morning with the intentions of going to a yoga class, but decided to sleep in and work out after class. I had three classes today, which makes for a long day. After class, AK, Hannah, and I decided to do a little shopping and take a walk down Las Ramblas, which is one of the most well known streets in Barcelona. It is filled with people and street performers and has great shops and restaurants. Since we have been cooking a lot at home we decided to go out to eat tonight. We found a great Chinese restaurant, which was perfect because we had all been craving it. Unlike the portions of Chinese found in the US our plates were quite small so we decided to get some gelato for the first time while being here on the walk home. It was awesome! We sat on a bench and ate gelato and talked about how crazy it is that we aren't in little old Elon, North Carolina. Barcelona is truly unlike any place I have ever been before and I feel so fortunate that I get to spend three more months here. Even though it is only September it feels like it is flying by and it makes me a little nervous! After that we headed home and changed into our gym clothes and headed to the gym. It felt great to work out after Chinese food and gelato. Now I'm home just relaxing from the long day. Tomorrow we all have one class and want to go to the beach for a little because the beach season is ending soon. There is also this park that Hannah heard about that we might try to go to in the late afternoon, so we'll see!

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