Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Start of October and Dublin!

I can't believe it's already October! Time is flying by and it's terrifying! These past two weeks have flown by. Last weekend was pretty eventful. One afternoon my friends and I spent the day wandering the Gothic Quarter and doing a little shopping. We also went to this great restaurant called Bo D B. It was a little hole in the wall place with great vegetables and all these sauces like avocado sauce and dill sauce. It seemed really healthy and was cheap, which is always an added bonus. After that we took a cable car ride up Mount Juic. It was really beautiful and we spent the afternoon drinking sangria and taking pictures, rough life huh? Then on Sunday we had a picnic in Parc Ciutadella. It is definitely one of my favorite spots in all of Barcelona! It's absolutely beautiful with amazing gold fountains, ponds, and trees. The park is huge and we didn't have time to explore. There is also a zoo there, but we didn't have time to check it out. After our little picnic in the park we went to the FC Barcelona soccer game. It was a lot of fun and a very pretty night. I bought a cute FC Barcelona scarf. Speaking of soccer, one night this week I was out at a club and saw Gerard Pique... for those of you who don't know he is an FC Barcelona soccer player and was on Spain's team this summer when they won the World Cup. I wasn't really that interested in meeting him, but after I received a text message from Corey saying "GET A PICTURE" and Jack saying that "I won't be mad that you don't get a picture, I will just be disappointed." So I couldn't let them down. Hannah and I slowly danced our way over to him and after a few minutes of waiting around I finally tapped him on the shoulder and asked for a picture. He was very short and said later and stormed away. I never got a picture with him, but was able to take one of his side profile. Overall he was a bit of a jerk.

Then this past weekend, I went to Dublin to visit my best friend, Maggie Moran! We left Thursday evening and if you're thinking of ever flying Ryan Air, DON'T! It was a complete nightmare. The flight was delayed and while waiting to board the plane the woman told AK and I that we had to get our boarding passes "stamped?" all the way back at the ticketing counter. So we had to run through the very long terminal all the way back and then come back through security again to reach our stupid gate. Did I mention I was wearing knee high heeled boots? They were completely necessary for Dublin though! As we made our way back to the gate we were the last passengers to board and the women informs me that you cannot bring a purse and a bag. You have to stuff your purse in your bag? So as I'm trying to do this she then informs me that my carry on is too big (thanks Victorinox) and after several minutes of arguing I gave up and with MUCH dismay I gave her my debt card and thanked her for throwing 70 euros in the garbage. Despite the struggle with Ryan Air we made it to Dublin and the fall weather felt wonderful! Maggie greeted us with some Dutch Gold beers like any host should and we headed back to her apartment and then went out for the night with some of her friends. It was a ton of fun, but we were exhausted and I ended up falling asleep on the couch as soon as we got back. We woke up the next day and walked around Dublin all day. It was a cool autumn day and it was fun to see all of Dublin. We ended the day by getting dinner at YO! Sushi! It was so good and the first time I had sushi the whole time I've been abroad. I definitely miss it a lot! Saturday was a very lazy day. We all had a cold so struggled to do anything too exciting. We walked around Dublin and got bagels and diet coke. Two things I miss a lot! We then came home and showered and went out for a "traditional Irish meal" I'm not exactly sure what that is because I ended up getting pasta, but we ended the dinner with an Bailey's coffee which was excellent! Sunday we woke up and did a little more wandering and then made our way to the airport and big surprise...our flight was delayed. We ended up getting home at 2 am so we were exhausting. Overall, it was a fun weekend and on an even better note Maggie is coming to Barcelona on Thursday! Also about 6 other girls from my sorority are all coming this weekend so it should be a lot of fun. This week I'm going to lay low and prepare for an exciting weekend!

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